My Approach to Healing

Spiritual guidance for liberatory relationships

I help people heal from internalized imperialism by rooting relationships in trust, not control.

Spirituality, not religion

the nature of the universe:

  • interdependence

  • abundance

  • impermanence

    • fluidity

  • transformation / alchemy

  • emergence

  • compassion

    • unconditional love

  • collaboration

  • multi-dimensionality

    • non-binary

      • people are not “good” or “bad”

        • we all have varying levels of degrees of unhealed trauma and awareness or desire to heal

  • synchronicity

  • acceptance

    • surrender

      • facing fears w/ courage

    • faith in the universe

more on this here

Moving at the Speed of Care

  • Rushing is violence.

  • Capitalism revs up our internal engine to the speed of urgency (violence)

  • I help people learn how to let their listen to their body, so they can move at the speed of care

    • attuning to the rhythm of the universe

Somatic Awareness

  • Attunement to one’s self is the foundation of a loving relationship with self and others.

  • If you’re interested in deepening trust in your relationships, the place to start is with yourself.

  • And that starts with learning how to listen to your body and honor what the body is communicating.

Trauma Informed

  • To me, a trauma-informed approach means acknowledging how systems of oppression impact our lives individually and collectively.

  • Healing from internalized imperialism means learning how to divest from supremacist ways of thinking and being.

  • Living in a capitalist empire is inherently traumatic, no matter your intersections of power and privilege.


Professionalism is a social construct rooted in capitalist white supremacy and dilutes the ability to heal from internalized imperialism (the master’s tools aren’t gonna dismantle the master’s house).

This doesn’t mean I won’t hold a reliable, compassionate container.

It means I’m gonna be myself rather than put on a performance.

Read more here.

Intersection between joy and accessibility

Many people associate healing with pain and suffering.

If pain and suffering is your kink, then more power to you.

However, while spiritual growth usually involves discomfort, you get to choose how the experience goes.

What you imagine creates your reality ✨


Spiritual growth is amplified by working with the unseen.

Energy work is a big part of what I do.

Magic is real.

But it only works if you believe in it.

Relationships are Mirrors

By focusing on your relationship with yourself, you’ll feel ripple effects in relationships with others — be it romantic or otherwise.

Developing a sense of safety in the world starts with learning how to trust yourself.

Coaching / Spiritual Guidance

Coaching is about asking the questions to help someone find the answers inside of themself.

Spiritual growth comes from within. Not from without.

Learning something from direct experience or internal paradigm shifts is much more transformative than simply reading about something.

I’ve been an ICF certified coach since 2019.

Attachment Theory

I help people learn how to develop secure attachment while transitioning into non-monogamy.

though I don’t work exclusively with non-monogamous folk

these concepts can be applied to any relationship format

Imperialism sells us an illusion of safety through ownership and control.

Ownership and control are the very thing that risk our safety.

Real safety is rooted in trust, not control.

Real trust comes from within…

  • honesty

  • consent

  • authenticity

…not from without (external structures like…)

  • shared bills

  • shared housing

  • shared bed

  • legal marriage

  • having kids

  • shared bank account

  • (in a nutshell, enmeshment)

Safety is Collective

  • My approach to non-monogamy is not individualism with salt & pepper.

  • Non-Monogamy, to me, means de-centering the “couple” identity as a way to divest from capitalist individualism.

  • Reducing our safety alliances to teams of two is a risky investment, puts us in an extremely vulnerable position, and upholds capitalism.

  • To me, non-monogamy is about interdependence with community, not revolving around a single person (a sexual/romantic partner)


Sacred Bleeding - a Homecoming


Professionalism, the death of spirit