God is Queer
God is queer like a sunset
you don’t know where one color ends and the next begins
I hesitate to use the word God because the empire has tarnished this word for so many of us.
Too many queer folk have been traumatized by organized religion.
Too often, imperialist philosophy seeps it’s way into religious texts and culture, which only pushes us further away from God.
God is not a human. And certainly not a man.
That’s an interpretation rooted in human supremacy and patriarchy (bi-products of imperialism).
God is simply source energy.
Some like to refer to God as source. Or universe. Or spirit.
It truly doesn’t matter which word you use. As long as it resonates with you.
How could a singular word truly capture the essence of a non-binary, multi-dimensional being anyway?
The empire distorts our perception of God by projecting its philosophy onto God, painting God as a hierarchical, angry, judgmental and punishing man.
This is simply imagination at play.
It is not reality.
The imperial violence that religious institutions often perpetuate turns many of us off from spirituality altogether.
We often confuse religious cults for spirituality.
But spirituality is a direct relationship with source.
No intermediaries.
Spirituality means being connected to life.
It’s sinister how the empire puts a wedge between us and life.
Without spirituality, we only experience a fraction of reality.
There is so much more than what meets the eye.
The physical realm is only one dimension of the universe.
Through my direct relationship with source (through my spiritual practices), this is how I understand the nature of the universe:
transformation / alchemy
unconditional love
people are not “good” or “bad”
we all have varying levels of degrees of unhealed trauma and awareness or desire to heal
facing fears w/ courage
trust in the universe / faith in the unseen
But, don’t take my word for it.
Experience it for yourself 💕