Liberate Yourself
from imperialist
relationship norms
AND abolish the capitalist war-machine ❤️🔥
to feel true safety in yourself and your relationships
The Tower represents freedom, liberation and new beginnings.
full description here
Imperialism has sabotaged our planet and relationships for far too long.
It belongs in the past.
NOT the future.
Take direct action by learning how to cultivate real safety in relationships.
(not the imperialist illusion of safety)
The Challenge of our time:
Capitalist imperialism sells us an illusion of safety (through ownership and control).
Yet, the pursuit of ownership and control is the very thing that risks our safety.
It’s a lose-lose game.
Our relationships suffer while our planet collapses.
A Path Forward:
When you’re able to learn how to feel safe in yourself and your relationships without resorting to ownership and control (the master’s tools), you are dismantling the master’s house (the capitalist war-machine).
as above, so below.
It just so happens that your relationships
will benefit as a result.
a win-win 💗
Tree of Life.
as above, so below